miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011

Libya: Message From Aisha Qadhafi


"I carry the blood of a heroic father in my veins and I have never known the idea of surrender"
-Corre en mis venas la sangre de mi heroico padre y nunca he tenido la idea de rendirme-
"Even if my father and my brothers are martyred, I will continue my fight against Islamic terrorists in Libya."
-Aun si mi padre y mis hermanos fueran martires, yo continuare la lucha contra los terroristas islamicos en Libia-

"Soon, I will appear in the media to announce the fight against terrorists and Al-Qaeda in Libya and other countries in the world.
Let the West and their mercenaries take note; Aisha Qadhafi will never surrender to their conspiracy of evil.
-Tomen nota los mercenarios; Aisha Qadhafi nunca se rendira a su diabolica conspiracion-
I carry the blood of a heroic father in my veins and I have never known the idea of surrender.
NATO and Western assassins killed my husband and my child. But they must know by now that Aisha Qadhafi is a soldier.
-La OTAN y los asesinos del oeste mataron a mi esposo y a mi hijo y tienen que saber que ahora Aisha Qadhafi es un soldado-
Even at the cost of my own life, I will free my country from the clutches of Islamic terrorists and Al Qaeda."

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